
时间:2022-07-24 17:30:07 浏览量:




第1篇: 农村留守儿童教育案例

A Study on the Education of Rural

Left-behind Children

I. Introduction

Since China carried out the reform and opening-up policy, the national economy has grown rapidly. Simultaneously, people’s demand on material and cultural life is higher. In order to send children to school, build houses and improve family conditions, a large number of surplus rural labors have warmed into cities. Although the parents have settled down in cities, they don"t have the abilities to bring their kids and support them. Hence, they have to leave their children behind in the country and ask others to take care of them. As a result, the phenomenon of families living separately appears. Rural left-behind children, as minors in a special group, need to be attached great importance to. Due to weak family education, lagging school management and imperfect social and educational system, left-children now face problems, such as learning lag,psychological unbalance,behavior anomie,and their worrying safety. Therefore, we need to focus on this issue and find out some solutions for them.

II. The education problems and analysis of the essence

A. Problem of learning lag

According to some researches, the grades of left-behind children are generally lower than the average of other children. Most left-behind children cannot concentrate in the class, usually with their mind wandering. Even when they are called by the teacher to answer questions, they don’t know what is happening and just say “I don’t know” . It is common that left-behind children fail to finish homework, skip school and even drop out of school.

On the one hand, it is due to the absence of family education. Most left-behind children are adopted by grandparents or relatives, most of which have lower education background, outdated thoughts and ides. They can’t give effective family education, which is also a very important part of children’s education.

On the other hand, school doesn’t pay enough attention to left-behind children. Left-behind children is a vulnerable group, hence, they need help and concern from teachers and classmates. However, the school considers less about their specificity and don’t take corresponding measures to help them.

B. Problem of psychological unbalance

A research on the left-behind children and non left-behind children, taking the form of questionnaire, finds that the left-behind children are more extreme and suspicious. They more tend to feel lonely and upset, become introverted, and lack confidence. Their self-consciousness is inferior to others’.

As we all know, parents have direct impact on the children"s behavior, mental health and personality development. Separating with parents, left-behind children can’t get emotional comfort and care, and they often feel tense, depressed and worried. They may also have interpersonal communication problems. Because of long-term separation with parents, they tend to become introverted, contemptuous, pessimistic and lonely.

C. Problem of behavior anomie

With parents far way from home, left-behind children cannot feel the emotional love and care of parents. Thus, they lack proper guidance in terms of values, ethics and behaviors. What’s more, left-children are often brought up by their grandparents. There are many potential problems in inter-generation education such as dotage, highlighting material and ignorance of moral norms. Left-behind children are apt to make negative changes. According to a survey, 13% left-behind children have the habit of lying; 25% of them have the experience of stealing money, smoking, drinking, destroying public property.

Left-behind children are now in the critical period to establish the ideal and cognize the world. If they can not get the help from their parents on the ideological understanding and the values, they are susceptible to the outlook on life, values, or even on the path of crime, they are prone to deviate from correct view on life and values, and may even commit a crime.

D. Problem of safety

At present, for lacking of supervision from school, family and community, the safety protection for left-behind children is badly needed. The potential safety problems of rural left-behind children are mainly reflected in: (1) school safety education is deficient , and security measures become a mere formality; (2) the crisis consciousness of accidental injury and even death events is absent among guardians ; (3) left-behind children are indifferent with the legal concept , so they may do some illegal and criminal things; (4) the self-protection consciousness of left-behind children is weak, thus they is prone to get sexual assault, abducted and other abuses.

III. Possible solutions

Family, school, and society are three crucial factors in the process of children’ s learning and growth. Thus, to solve these problems, they all need to make some improvements.

Firstly, when parents go out to work, they should carry their children with them as far as possible. They can send children to the school which is located near their workplace. If not, they should keep close contact with children through telephones and letters. They also need to change their mind that it is the responsibility of school and teacher to take care of children’ s education. Besides, guardians should guide children to actively contact and respond to their parents, talking about their study and life. What’s more, parents should take the opportunity of vacation to return home and see their children.

Secondly, school is the main place children receive their education, therefore it is rather important for school to focus on left-behind children. School should improve the teacher’s quality and their teaching quality. They should establish a system of regular contact with guardians of left-behind children in order to learn the condition when children are at home and help guardians to fulfill their duties of guardianship. Teacher need often to talk with them and comfort them. The school curriculum should also be adjusted. The curriculum on survival, safety and legislation education and mental health education should be set up, so that they can develop comprehensively.

Last but not least, society should also focus on this issue. For one thing, the principle of choosing school according to domicile place should be altered. Governments should provide guarantee mechanism and legal support for children of rural migrant workers, accelerate the reform of household registration and education system, abolish all unreasonable fees and make migrant children enjoy the same treatment with urban children in terms of education. For another thing, the construction of boarding schools should also be strengthened. Governments should expand the scale of boarding, improve accommodation conditions, provide residential facilities for rural left-behind children, and enable them unconditionally to apply for boarding, making boarding school a left-behind children paradise.

第2篇: 农村留守儿童教育案例













1.浅谈农村留守儿童教育现状成因及对策 [J], 白学春

2.浅谈农村留守儿童教育现状及对策 [J], 孙金国

3.浅谈农村留守儿童教育现状及对策 [J], 孙金国

4.浅谈农村初中留守儿童教育现状与对策 [J], 杨怀

5.浅谈农村初中留守儿童教育现状与对策 [J], 杨怀


第3篇: 农村留守儿童教育案例


湾龙乡中心校四年二班 王玉玲























一年级上学期,由于刚刚学习拼音,孩子们 不识多少字,为了改变孩子的性格,养成良好的习惯和品格,我到书店自费为他们买了一些书籍。其中有一本是《爱的教育》,每天利用午休的时间,给他们读一段。绘声绘色的朗读,孩子们静静地听着,沉浸在其中。时常忘记了上课、下课的时间。这样不但增长了知识,也陶冶了情操,更重要的是杜绝了乱打乱闹的现象,免除了安全隐患。



人常说:“送人玫瑰,手有余香!奉献爱心,收获希望。  随着和煦的春风,今年三月,一项社会个人爱心捐赠活动,荣幸地光临了我的班级,同时也光临了这个小姑娘。




     这一举动,让我看到了社会对教育事业发展的爱心、关心、责任心。  我相信:只要人人都伸出一双援助的手、献出一点点爱心,我们的班级、我们的校园、乃至我们的社会笑声会更多一些!让爱化作和煦的春风,轻拂着校园的每一个角落!



另外,社会各界都应当高度重视农村留守儿童的行为习惯问题,关注这一特殊群体,为他们的健康成长创造良好的环境,需要社会各界齐抓共管。只有这样, “祖国花朵”才能茁壮成长,和谐社会目标才能早日实现。

第4篇: 农村留守儿童教育案例


合山市上塘小学 杨燕珍

















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